Foodie in the Sky with Diamonds

Foodie in the Sky with Diamonds

After a 20 minute walk back over those tiny bridges, two water taxis and a bus ride, me and my albatross finally arrived at the Venice airport. This was one of the most disorganized airports I have ever encountered. A plane full us were herded like cattle into a...
Lost and Found

Lost and Found

I wake the next morning with a steadfast commitment to continue to be unfazed by my missing albatross. I made a few calls with little success. The airport said they found it but now the courier has it somewhere in this town, however he did not arrive and they cannot...
Falling Stars

Falling Stars

I’m staying in a shared flat and so there is an inevitable feeling of being home. This feeling transcends onto the streets as I navigate with ease through the corridors of old town. I ventured further today towards another beach. Here the surf pounds against the...
Stuffed Duck

Stuffed Duck

It was my last day in San Sebastion. I did not feel melancholy. This is my European counterpart and as such it is a home I will surely return to. On this last day I made arrangements to take a cooking course on traditional Basque cooking. Basque cooking, as it is...