by Tanya dePape | Sep 6, 2018 | Croatia Morocco Portugal
The warm Croatian wind blew in through the wooden shutters of my room to cue me of the suns ascent. It was time to start my day. I found a cafe and contemplated the day ahead over some stewed tomatoes, mushrooms, runny eggs and a large tear drop smear of delicate...
by Tanya dePape | Sep 21, 2018 | Croatia Morocco Portugal
I was up early for a sunrise rendezvous with magificant Lisbon. My new fellow canadian friend, Maddy, and I made plans to find the beaches. We took the ferry from Cais do sodre port to cacilhas; then an hours bus ride to costa da caparica on the almada coast. The...
by Tanya dePape | Sep 23, 2018 | Croatia Morocco Portugal
I’ve been a wanderer these past couple of days. Without any clear agenda for my time in Portugal, I am quite literally taking it minute by minute. I walked to the breakwater with music in my ears creating a soundtrack that will inevitably remind me of this colourful...
by Tanya dePape | Jun 6, 2016 | Italy Spain France, Travel
After a 20 minute walk back over those tiny bridges, two water taxis and a bus ride, me and my albatross finally arrived at the Venice airport. This was one of the most disorganized airports I have ever encountered. A plane full us were herded like cattle into a...
by Tanya dePape | Jun 5, 2016 | Italy Spain France, Travel
I wake the next morning with a steadfast commitment to continue to be unfazed by my missing albatross. I made a few calls with little success. The airport said they found it but now the courier has it somewhere in this town, however he did not arrive and they cannot...