Today I ventured off the beaten path, first by boat. Being from the coast, the water lends a welcomed, familiar perspective. I am the nautical observer, just far enough removed from the land, separated by these still waters, to capture each image.
We arrive up river to a quiet little village. I am able to join this elderly woman whose deep lines etched on her face trace a story I’ll never know.
She rows us quietly between the dense reeds of this coconut forest. We stop to catch some tiny crab which she insists, by gesture, she will eat.
She takes out her knife and leans over to grab a piece of greenery.
Her leather hands quickly and methodically create for me a ring which she places on my finger. To a life of curiosity, passion and boundless adventure..I thee wed. “I do.” Yes indeed “I do“.
Back on land I hop on a bike and cycle through the countryside passing by the children with their uniforms neatly starched as they ride their oversized bicycles to or from school.
Passed the tiny homes and rice fields. Finally I arrive at a small cooking class I had booked the day before.
I cannot understand much of what my teacher says but in the world of cooking there are many senses to guide you.
What an extrordinary day.
Once back in town I cycle to the tailors and pick up my, ok truth be told, more than one dress. I prepare for my final fitting and the seamstresses smile with approval.
The day ends with a lovely dinner that I share with some Europeans I met that day. Fellow food lovers-my favourite kind of company.
I will so miss Hoi An, but the memory captured in the passport of my mind will undoubtedly bring me back.
Off to Cambodia!